Thursday, November 3, 2011

Drunken Paradise

Today is really rainy, cold, and shitty where we live.

So I am planning on spending the day pretending I live here:

What you can't see is that behind me is a bar, laden with strong tropical drinks that are free and delicious.

I am also the hottest one on the beach because I'm the ONLY one on the beach.

The water is warm, the sun is warmer, and I am NOT sitting at a desk (aka human cage). Nope, nope.

Just relaxing in an intense state of denial.


  1. I want some of whatever you're having.

  2. I'll give you a hot tip -

    First, you have to be completely crazy.
    Next, work on becoming a highly functional alcoholic.
    Last, but certainly not least, you must travel to some fantastic all-inclusive tropical resort in paradise and then force yourself to make a conscious decision to get back on the plane to come home to the shitty mid-west where there is no beach OR palm trees.

    Then, and ONLY then, can you live in the intense state of denial I've become so accustomed to.
