Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Soooooo, I....

1) Finally, after much laboring, get the website looking more or less how I want it.
2) Rejoice.
3) Check out the website from a different computer.
4) Bang head on said computer.

It looks completely different on a smaller monitor!  Why oh why does web design have to be so needlessly difficult??  The internet should be accessible to people with Liberal Arts degrees, too, ya know.  This is discrimination.  Is there anyone out there who can help me??

Deep breath.  I, with the aid of my trusty Franzia boxed wine ("Cheap Wine Reviews" is a feature we will soon add to the blog, because that's how I roll), will calm down and Google this until I sort it out.  If we have any loyal fans, I thank you for your patience.

Miss Lizzie*

*sounds like I work "upstairs" in a saloon, but I like it because it's the term of endearment Heather calls me.

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