Friday, December 2, 2011

Will Drink to Belligerence for Money.

First week of the month!

Rent is due, which more than likely means the vast majority of us will be drinking in an attempt to forget how actually, horribly broke we are. #occupybooze

Which is really a shame because it's xmas shopping season and with everyone being so broke and all, no one is going to be able to afford to get me that big sack of cash I want, which is the only thing I'm asking for this year.

Here are a few things I've done recently in a sad, sad attempt to either save or make more money:

It's a thought, meme's a thought.
1. Started skipping two meals a day. 
I figured this was a win-win: I save lunch money and myself from obesity. If I skip my $5.00 McDonald's trips for a year, I'll have racked up a whopping $260.00. That's not even a car payment, dammit.

Not worth turning on, or off.
2. Turned off my cable for a month.
I decided to be "reasonable and responsible" and declared that I did not need television to survive. Indeed, it is not a necessity. I saved $109.00 for 30 days, but probably spent $10,000.00 renting movies down the street.

Despite popular belief, this button does not exist.
3. Joined an internet scam.
I sure did! And guess what -- a certain and inevitable shock, it was a scam. I am out roughly $300.00 and made roughly $0.00. A little piece of advice in trying to determine if something is a scam...if you have even an inkling that it's a scam, it's definitely a scam. Like the housing market.

I'm no where near this cute/creepy.
4. Stopped going to the tanning bed.
Sure, I'm saving $30 bucks a month ($360 a year) but I look like an albino.

This is my fighting stance.

5. Drink, Don't Drive.
It's no secret that beer is exponentially cheaper per gallon than gas. I'd estimate I've saved several hundred dollars by getting so blindingly schnockered I passed out on the couch rather than driving somewhere to spend money. So far, this is the only thing that has made a positive impact on my budget. There truly isn't a problem enough alcohol can't fix.

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