
Friday, October 21, 2011

Fyi, Ders:

Just a quick note to say that I will put tons of work into the forum this weekend.  Heather currently can't find the piece of paper with the admin login & password (my guess is she had a few Mojitos while creating the thing), but she is fervently looking.  Everyone cross your fingers that it can be found... i.e. that her son didn't eat it.  I have Big Drunken Plans(TM) for the forum which must not be thwarted by a one-year old who likes to chew on things.

Hugs and kisses,
Heather's cohort

1 comment:

  1. Im looking for it and I'm 89.63% sure my son didn't eat the paper, but he is in a "throwing everything in the trash-can" phase, so we'll keep our fingers crossed that the information isn't sitting in a landfill somewhere.
